But the May 27 blood test had suddenly worsened. Her LDH was up;
RBC and WBC were up.
What was the problem? We didn’t know.
By May 31 it had not improved much. Vanadium was Positive again.
Albumin was up again, the thyroid was affected again (calcitonin was nega-
tive at the thyroid, calcium was too high and potassium too high) and copper
had returned from some unknown source, so iron had dropped.
But there was no time left on her schedule. Her mission was accom-
plished. And more: her goiter was no longer visible no matter how she turned
her head. She could swing her arm. She was going home.
Summary: We know now there was more to do. Toxins had inadver-
tently been placed in her mouth to suck on the same way she had gold and
amalgam before. But for the present she savored success. Surely she will
come back if she loses her new found health.
Donna Balders
4/10 4/19 4/24 5/2 5/14 5/27 5/31
RBC 4.61 5.06 4.96 4.93 4.91 5.25 4.89
WBC 8,200 6,400 6,300 5,400 5,200 7,200 6,300
PLT 256 231 248 246 233 237 242
glucose 86 115 94 90 93 77 110
BUN 15 15 14 13 12 14 13
creatinine 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0
AST (SGOT) 23 25 25 27 25 32 35
ALT (SGPT) 35 33 30 37 25 32 35
May 20 No tumors, only fibrous remnants