focus on the liver, though, to monitor his body’s recovery. The colon would
recover along with it. His first CT scan showed two fairly large tumors, 3.7 x
4.7 cm and 2.8 x 3.5 cm visible in different frames.
In fact, a closer look at these frames shows the liver was packed with
small to medium size masses (light gray spots). He also had tumors in the
spleen, a most unusual location. He was not sick at all. He had no symptoms.
This was in spite of testing Positive to four solvents, five bacteria, malonic
acid, aflatoxin, PCB, chlorine, asbestos, CFC, and six heavy metals! His first
blood test was equally bad. It showed that toxicity had already affected sev-
eral of his vital organs including:
- The bone marrow (very low RBC).
- The thyroid gland. Potassium too high from lack of absorption by
the body tissues. Diabetes contributes to this. - The parathyroids. Calcium very low.
- The liver (portion controlling albumin production). Albumin low.
- The spleen (where iron is released to travel to the bone marrow).
Iron moderately low. - The liver (where cholesterol is made). Cholesterol too low.
- Location where triglyceride levels are regulated (much too low).
Things could get worse quite quickly for him. But the LDH and alk phos
were not very high, meaning the tumor growth was slow at this time.
Apr 8 CT scans show 2 liver tumors