to our clinic. An ultrasound now showed that the large tumor was gone, but
he was still full of enlarged lymph nodes (not shown).
He had already been on the parasite program plus zapping for three
weeks. His ortho-phospho-tyrosine and isopropyl alcohol were Negative.
Still testing Positive in his lymph nodes were:
Solvents Heavy metals Bacteria Others
benzene nickel Salmonella enteriditis malonic acid
xylene copper Salmonella paratyphi formaldehyde
cadmium Shigella flexneri CFC’s
cobalt Staphylococcus aureus asbestos
thallium aflatoxin^
The malonic acid, copper, freon, cobalt, solvents, and other toxins had
used up the glutathione in his abdominal lymph nodes, glutathione tested
Negative here. This lowered their immunity to bacteria, which now could
colonize there, making growth factors. They also caused the lymph nodes to
grow and enlarge. At one time fluke parasites had inhabited them, too, caus-
ing malignancy, but this had been stopped. The bacterial invasion could not
be so easily stopped. The toxins had to be removed first.
He was encouraged to continue with his Gerson program and diet, ex-
cept to go off carrot juice because we had just discovered it contained malo-
nic acid. He already was on a potassium supplement, Lugol’s iodine, and
thyroid tablets! His pulse and body temperature were being monitored at the
Gerson clinic as they rose to a point where sweating, nervousness, and in-
somnia were felt.
After his blood test, he was given our “Day 1” cancer program [for that
time]. It included:
- A large dose of coenzyme Q10.
- The malonate free diet.
- Lugol’s to kill Salmonella. We had to wonder why he still carried
Salmonella after all the iodine he took from the Gerson clinic. Ei-
ther it wasn’t enough or he constantly reinfected. - Instructions to get metal out of his dentalware and do the Dental
Aftercare program. - Instructions to change his refrigerator at home to a new non-freon
variety and start on the freon removal program. - instructions to stop using a hair blower.
- Instructions to change his copper plumbing at home (in Canada) to
PVC plastic in spite of the weather there. Water from his local resi-
dence had copper, so he was instructed to move. - Going off detergent for every purpose.
- Throwing out his foam mattress and detoxifying his formaldehyde
with taurine plus cysteine both for 3 months.