Is It Really A CURE?
The word cure in the title was chosen, rather than treat-
ment, because it is scientifically accurate.
When the true cause of an illness has been found and, by
removing it, the illness can be stopped or prevented, a true cure
has also been found. When the cause is not found but the
symptoms can be removed, helpful as this is, you have only
found a treatment. My research was a search for the causes of
cancer, how they might be removed, and whether their removal
would lead to relief from the disease. I did not search merely for
relief from the disease as most regular cancer research does.
Even research into gene-replacement does not address the cause
of numerous mutations in cancer. Nor does finding better ways
to kill tumor cells. They are treatments.
Syncrometer® technology described in this book makes
searching for causes and cures possible. Hopefully, there will
also be a return to a search for the cure of diseases like diabetes,
heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and a lot of others
that are now simply being treated.