due to too much mitosis. It is a beginning “adenoma” typical of
benign or pre-malignant tumors.
Soon mutations abound in this fast-multiplying tissue. But
they will not be random mutations. They will be mostly p53,
LDH and alkaline phosphatase enzyme , vitamin A , bcl-2 and
bax mutations. (We will discuss these soon.)
Metal In Cells
I do not understand why a tissue in distress or simply in ac-
celerated mitosis attracts so many things. It attracts heavy met-
als. It attracts dyes. It attracts more bacteria and parasites. It at-
tracts mutagens and carcinogens (these are chemicals specifi-
cally known to cause mutations or tumors). But it also attracts
good things, like vitamins and immune boosters. This attractive
force, which I call morbitropism , deserves intensive study.
If morbitropism attracts even minute quantities of toxins, is
that significant? Yes. That peculiarity was noticed quite early in
cancer research. Numerous small doses of a carcinogen, were
more effective than fewer large doses.27,28 In this respect, it was
similar to the carcinogenic action of radiation: again, the smaller
the dose, the more effective it was.^29 So that is why I advise
people not to wear metal jewelry, to remove toxic tooth fillings,
to change their metal water pipes to plastic, and avoid processed
food (it has traces of dyes and antiseptic chemicals). Although
the dose seems small, these particular toxins, over time, can be
Other attractive forces have already been studied: the liver
attracts liver flukes, even if they are injected into a fish, far
away from the liver near the tail; the flukes can somehow
(^27) Warburg, O., On the Origin of Cancer Cells, Science, v. 123, no. 3191, Feb. 24,
1956, pp. 309-14.
(^28) Greenstein, pp. 104-05.
(^29) Bain, J.A., Rusch, H.P., Carcinogenesis with Ultraviolet Radiation of Wave Length
2,800-3,400 Å , Cancer Res., v. 3, Jul. 1943, pp. 425-30.