the more calcium there is, the more albumin there is. In case the calcium
should go too high, the albumin is present to sponge it up and take it out of
action in the bloodstream.
Although calcium had come up significantly, it was still low, a parathy-
roid problem. Testing at the parathyroid showed copper and vanadium
Negative there, but glutathione, biotin, and glutamine were also Negative.
With glutathione Negative, this tipped us off that a heavy metal was still
present or a malonate. Cobalt was Positive. How can a tiny gland do it’s
work with an interfering metal there?
What was the source of his cobalt? It is not written in his file. We
probably searched his supplements, body products and other things. [But
never suspected his new plastic teeth.]
His next visit was a week later, July 3. An ultrasound of the kidney tu-
mor was scheduled since it had been six weeks since he began the cancer
Then, a strange event followed. The radiologist, not being able to see
anything at the left kidney site (remember it had been surgically removed)
thought the patient must be mistaken so he took the ultrasound of the right
kidney instead. When the patient returned, the missing ultrasound of the left
side was seen as an error so the patient was sent back to the radiologist. But
the radiologist explained to the patient there was “nothing to take,” since the
kidney was gone, so why spend the money? This made sense to the patient
who returned a second time without the negative. It seemed unfair to send
him a third time just to get the missing tumor namely, nothing on record.
Remi and his family were pleased and convinced, although only the radiolo-
gist’s word could ascertain that the tumor in the left kidney fossa was gone.
On July 17, his blood test
still showed abnormalities.
RBC was too high (cobalt
Positive); WBC was too high
(bacteria); glucose was too low;
creatinine was too high (kidney
insufficiency); T.p. was too
high (cobalt) calcium was too
high (thyroid problem); and
potassium was too low.
By now we had begun to
suspect dental plastic as the
mysterious source of cobalt. He
was advised to have it all re-
viewed, tested by the staff with scrapings or chipping of the plastic; and
some of it replaced, again!
Tumor gone, was this rotten tooth
the culprit?