Summary: Suddenly, on November 6, he popped into the office for a
follow-up. He was persuaded to return to the radiologist. This time to request
an ultrasound of the location of the space where the left kidney had once
been. Nothing else. He soon returned, ultrasound in hand. It was as the radi-
ologist had said—just plain nothing. No tumor in sight anywhere. Nothing to
take, just a waste of money! And a good, hearty laugh was had by all to
cheer Remi and his wife.
27 Danielle Andersen Brain Cancer
Danielle Andersen came with her husband, Karl, from Canada for brain
cancer. It started as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, but a year ago there were
several brain lesions found by scanning.
One was removed surgically and was diagnosed as diffuse large cell
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, intermediate grade. She then got ten radiation
treatments to the head, which brought two of the remaining lesions down to
1.5 cm and 0.5 cm at the thalamus and internal capsule respectively.
That was as much progress as could be made. And she was fine until re-
cently. She began going to sleep for half hour periods during the day, her
balance was bad, and her eyes weren’t focusing so she couldn’t read any-
more. Something must be growing.
We reviewed her scan on May 8; we could see what looked like a disor-
ganized tangle in the thalamus filling the depression that hangs down and
mushrooming above it. It was about 2 cm in size. Unfortunately, this nega-
tive was not printed for my collection. One look at her blood test shows she
was still quite well. If the tumor could be shrunk in a permanent way, she
would not need to recover from anything. Only one liver enzyme, the GGT,
was too high, in fact extremely high. Could this be due to the dilantin she
was on to prevent seizures? This drug is ordinarily rather harmless.
Her alkaline phosphatase was slightly high, but not extreme [showing
DAB dye toxicity], and the total protein was rather low due to the low globu-
lin. The calcium level was too low, showing that the metabolic problem in-
volved the parathyroid gland. Iron showed some depression (it should be
about 100), but not enough to interfere with red blood cell formation. Al-
though her blood fats (triglycerides) were much too low, cholesterol level
was excellent.
Her toxin test showed:
Bacteria and Solvents
Staphylococcus aureus Positive
Salmonella Positive
isopropyl alcohol Positive
aluminum Positive
copper Positive
lead Positive
thallium Positive
mercury Positive
nickel Positive
Other toxins
malonic acid Positive
aflatoxin Positive
patulin Positive
CFCs Positive
chlorine Positive