But there was nothing plastic in her mouth. There were only eight teeth
present, across the front on the lower side and these were pristine, untouched,
never-filled teeth!
She was started on olive leaf tea to help shrink lymph nodes. They were
already noticeably smaller.
On October 3, the lymph nodes were down to ¾" (2 cm) and^1 / 8 " (½ cm)
in diameter. But she had accidentally fallen down the previous night, and we
were all concerned that it could have been due to a seizure. She had taken
herself off dilantin, although she had been on two a day when she arrived.
Could it have been due to rotenone used liberally in all motels except the
safe one? She did test Positive for rotenone, from the previous motel. She
was given taurine, and GABA. Unfortunately, the GABA was not provided
immediately and she was without for another 2 days.
She soon had another “seizure”. [They are caused by Ascaris escaping
from a draining tumor.] This time they went to an emergency facility in the
U.S. where she was hospitalized. It now required 3 tablets of dilantin a day to
get her blood level up high enough. While in the hospital, a new blood test
was done for her (October 6). Although the ranges are not strictly compara-
ble and serum iron was missing, the results are informative. The good trends
were continuing, the LDH had dropped almost to normal and liver enzymes
were getting better.
On October 8, she returned, in a wheelchair now, due to the injury from
her fall. But her appetite was good. It was just her general grogginess that
disturbed us. If it was indeed seizure activity, then she was still getting
maleic anhydride to her seizure center causing edema there. (We did not sus-
pect Ascaris.) This would derive from maleic acid, namely dental plastic.
On October 9, she tested Positive for cobalt at the liver, vanadium at the
bone marrow, and copper at the liver. This trio implicates plastic or metal.
We went to work. Each of her remaining eight lower “pristine untouched”
front teeth was rubbed with an emery board. The end of the emery board
with the rubbing was cut off and dropped in a baggie for testing (water added
first). The last tooth on the lower right side was Positive for cobalt, copper,
and vanadium. But this tooth appeared pristine. It had never been tampered
with! Nor had any of the other seven in the row. We sampled the tooth again,
compared it with the saliva test; there was no mistaking the Positive results
for the familiar trio. We recommended extraction of that perfect-appearing
tooth. The dentist rebelled. He had examined these teeth several times. He
could not in good conscience extract a “perfect” tooth. We discussed the risk
and possible benefit for Danielle, namely death versus a gap in her teeth.
On October 12 the tooth came out. It was brought in for my inspection.
It had a huge plastic filling on the back side! The dentist visited later. He
explained that plastic can easily escape detection by X-ray, as well as by the
dentist’s eye even with the help of dental dye. Although three individual X-
rays had been done to search for it, plus numerous dental visual inspections,
it had escaped detection. No sooner was the dentist’s drill applied than its