not in this visit. Although the tumor disappeared, it would surely return under
the strong influence of heavy metals and malonates seeping from her
porcelains. One couldn’t help but wonder what she had been eating to give
her eight rotten front teeth in the first place. But this was past history and
comes now Jess with mammograms in hand.
The Feb. 15 mammogram shows the tumor as it had been (football
shaped white area between the two + signs) at 5.5 cm. By June 4 the tumor
was reduced, but still covered a narrow oblong area of 2.7 cm in length. She
arrived three days later. Our initial tests showed ortho-phospho-tyrosine
Positive at lymph nodes, Negative at breast. Evidently all parasites had been
killed at the breast location, perhaps even by the chemotherapy. But they
survived at the lymph nodes. Malonic acid Positive at breast; benzene Posi-
tive; isopropyl Positive (she would get off shampoo and bottled water imme-
diately); E. coli Positive; CFC Positive (she should change her refrigerator at
home); fiberglass Positive; aluminum Positive (probably her porcelain teeth);
arsenic Positive; copper Positive (she would go to our safest Mexican motel
immediately); formaldehyde Positive; cobalt Positive (she would stop using
detergent, but was it hiding in her porcelain?); mercury and thallium Positive
(leftover amalgam, now permanently hidden under the porcelain); aflatoxin
Positive (she would read the section on moldy food in The Cure For All
Cancers book).
We had no time to lose; thirty days is a very short time to disintegrate a
tumor of this size; perhaps it can’t be done at all with leftover amalgam and
fresh aluminum plus malonic acid placed in the mouth to be sucked on day
and night.
We started her the very first day on:
- the freon removal program
- 2 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength parasite program with
zapping - vitamin B 12 and folic acid
- vitamin C
- cysteine, taurine, glutathione
- coenzyme Q10
- thyroid 1½ grain in the morning
- wearing no regular bra, the athletic variety that does not lift would
be okay.
Because of the handicap in dealing with her porcelain teeth, and the ur-
gency of saving her from mastectomy in thirty days, the decision was made
to use IV therapy daily. Cost was not her main issue. Time was. Success was.
Perhaps, too, if she saw the tumor shrink she would gain confidence in the
underlying theory and come to her own conclusion that the porcelain must
go. They hide clostridium bacteria, hide bits of amalgam, and seep carcino-
genic materials. Her IV was formulated after her blood test was read, June 8.