to do their work. So metals cause depletion of some of your
most vital compounds.
Metal sulfides can be escorted out of the body via the kid-
neys and intestines. After your sulfur is used up, the plain met-
als remain in circulation and are attracted to the tiny hyperactive
tissue where cell division is accelerated.
Lanthanide metals cannot be detoxified this way. They be-
long to a special group of metals that are highly magnetic
(paramagnetic), second only to iron.
They were once called “Rare Earths”, though of course they
are not rare. But they were so difficult to separate, one from an-
other, that getting any one in pure form was rare indeed. There
are 15 in all; although two other elements, yttrium and scan-
dium, are often added to the group. The Syncrometer detects all
the lanthanides in the metals used to restore teeth!
They are rarely found as pollutants in processed foods, nor
in drinking water with two exceptions. One variety of water is
loaded with yttrium and/or ytterbium. It is reverse-osmosis wa-
ter. Evidently, the membrane used for treating such water has
these lanthanides in it. And some varieties of vitamin C are
contaminated with thulium.
The lanthanides do more sinister damage than regular heavy
metals. They disturb your own DNA production; it begins too
late (by 13 seconds)^33 but then runs overtime. The extra DNA is
pushed into the lysosomes where the Syncrometer now detects
the enzyme DNAse, which will happily destroy it. Yet, it repre-
sents danger.
The lanthanides seem to fill up your cells with iron deposits
and calcium deposits. The link between lanthanum and calcium
deposits has been studied^34 , but the Syncrometer detects more.
Cells “choked” with iron and calcium are not able to hoist a
“flag” that begs your body to digest them. The flag is a cell
(^33) Clark, H. R., Syncrometer Biochemistry Laboratory Manual, New Century Press,
(^34) Smith, Bonita M., Gindhart, Thomas D., and Colburn, Nancy H., Possible
Involvement of a Lanthanide-Sensitive Protein Kinase C Substrate in Lanthanide
Promotion of Neoplastic Transformation, Carcinogenesis, v. 7, no. 12, 1986, pp.