didn’t know that maleic acid was a direct component of certain dental plas-
tics and that it would diffuse out forever if you were the unlucky recipient.
Nor did we know that acrylic plastic is detoxified to malonic acid by the
body, which then could be turned into maleic acid.] At least one source could
be removed, the food source. She began at once to eat only malonate-free
It was June 12; she had to leave in six weeks. The task was impossible.
Her chest X-ray showed a pear shaped mass, pronounced lymphatic nodules,
and fluid at the base that obliterated the lung margin. This news did not dis-
courage her. She agreed to change her plumbing, get her dental problems
corrected, and start right now with an IV containing 3 doses of EDTA to pull
the heavy metals out of her body. She started the parasite program and coen-
zyme Q10, and glutathione. She started taking Lugol’s and using white io-
dine for brushing teeth.
Her blood test did not reveal her critical condition. She was still in good
health. And she would be able to recover if her lung problem was corrected.
It was only that, a problem. Not broken down health. [Her LDH and alk phos
were both very slightly elevated to show there was some toxicity from dyes,
but not much.]
The alk phos spoke for the lungs. The total protein was also very slightly
elevated; the globulin just a bit too high. Iron was too low due to copper, and
potassium was too low, also. Perhaps she would be saved by her normal
triglycerides and cholesterol. We were grateful for these. She got off to a
slow start by not getting into the copper-free housing immediately. Three
days later she still had some copper at the thyroid and parathyroid glands. So
EDTA had to be applied again. After this the IVs would consist of laetrile,
DMSO, vitamin C, and cesium.
In spite of perfect adherence to the malonate-free diet, it was still present
at the parathyroids. This would account for the drop in calcium to 8.8 at the
next blood test, done June 21. Copper and vanadium, too, persisted at the
parathyroids. We wondered if the vanadium and malonate had been newly
placed in her mouth. She was in the middle of amalgam replacement. The
LDH went up instead of down. Yet, the alk phos, reflecting the lung condi-
tion, went down. Would this show up on the next lung X-ray? The effect of
vanadium would also explain the RBC rise. The rise in serum iron could only
mean there was less copper toxicity due to amalgam removal. The uric acid
dropped as it became unmasked. We supplemented glutamine.
By June 26 (two weeks later), Tracy was feeling very much better. She
was no longer huffing and puffing; her voice sounded strong; her personality
sparkled. Should we dare repeat the chest X-ray? It was only thirteen days
from the first discouraging one. Only if she promised not to be discouraged.
She did. We needed her continued optimism and compliance if we should do
an early follow-up. The new X-ray showed almost double her former air ca-
pacity—twice as much white area on the print. Her lungs were filled with air
again; no wonder she could walk briskly.