By July 12, a new chest X-ray (not shown) still showed a remnant of
tumor, it was now spindle shaped. And a region of infection was still appar-
She was still Positive for nickel. She did a liver cleanse, but it did not
get rid of nickel. We gave her thioctic acid, but it did nothing. Finally, she
found it herself. She pulled out a personal air purifier with a shiny metal case
that you hang around your neck; it blows “purified” air at you. Hers blew
nickel. She stopped using it. The nickel disappeared in two days. But she still
had pain in the lung near the breast bone in the morning when awakening.
When she arrived in the morning totally fasted, a saliva sample was still
Positive for malonic acid derivatives. Where could it be coming from except
her own body? That is, what had been placed in her own body. We began to
suspect the new dental work. But her stay was near its end.
She had received three crowns (against directions), one bridge, eight
fillings, and two porcelain fillings (against directions). With a bacterial
problem like hers, it was ill advised to invite them into a new hiding place
under a crown. She was game for removal of one crown only. We explained
it was not a moral issue, as she carefully brushed the tiny bit of plastic that
was covering her tooth stub. Then we rubbed it with an emery board. It
tested Positive for maleic acid. This would seep out and get to her lungs. The
body would detoxify it to maleic anhydride and then not be able to detoxify it
further in the lung. The anhydride would cause effusion of liquid from the
lung again.
Her mouth had to be redone! But she would hear none of it. Her mouth
looked beautiful again, her tumor was gone (last X-ray not shown), her lungs
worked, and her departure date was just days away. She felt she could risk it.
I didn’t. But we wished her Bon Voyage. And we had learned a mighty les-
son: that malonic acid could come not only from tapeworm stages and food,
but from a totally unrelated, inanimate source—plastic. And it was a pre-
cious discovery made by electronic testing of dental plastic directly. Would
we now be able to clear up the mystery-source of malonates that had plagued
us for so long?
6/21 6/28 7/4 7/9 7/16 7/23 8/2
RBC 4.55 4.91 4.47 4.74 4.74 4.99 4.75 4.75
WBC 5300 7000 7800 6900 5400 6300 6100 5900
PLT 325 254 213 236 251 422 291 277
BUN 16 22 10 12 113 11 14 11
creatinine 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.0 .9 .9 .7 .8
AST (SGOT) 29 26 23 26 27 22 22 21
ALT (SGPT) 35 29 23 24 20 19 21 24
LDH 181 195 194 215 205 202 203 198
GGT 64 43 30 25 19 18 15 13
T.b. 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.5
alk phos 104 85 73 85 82 89 85 75