His blood test showed that he was still in good health. Calcium was too
low; implying a toxin in the parathyroids and alk phos was slightly high im-
plying tumor activity in his lungs [dye toxicity].
His potassium was borderline low. Other values were quite good. He
was still a healthy man, age sixty-one. The high WBC was explained by the
bacteria in his jaw and prostate.
He was given the usual supplements to detoxify malonic acid: B 12 (4
mg), folic acid (25 mg twice daily), and vitamin C. He was also given glu-
tamine and glucuronic acid. The glucuronate would help his liver detoxify
harmful chemicals. And he was given potassium gluconate to raise his potas-
sium levels. All this besides doing the parasite program, Lugol’s, and other
His metal glasses frames were scheduled for change to plastic. He was
still very Positive for copper at the parathyroid gland even without wearing
his dentures. He and his wife were staying at an unapproved motel with cop-
per water pipes. They agreed to move immediately.
The following day he was Negative for copper and malonates. Having
dentures made the task easy. Simply remove them and make new ones—
malonate free.
June 3 another slice shows ribcage and liver tumors