Many PAHs are produced naturally in decaying organic
matter such as coal tar^37 (from fossil vegetation) or crude oil
(from ancient dinosaur bodies) or a grilled hamburger. Notice
that they are combinations of benzene-like rings (look at the
hexagonal shape of benzene, alone, on page 16). Benzene is a
flat molecule, making the entire PAH flat. This will be an im-
portant feature.
Compare the PAH molecules with a cholesterol molecule. It,
too, is very large, made up of benzene-like rings stuck together.
It too will be flat.
But the rings do
not have double
bonds—not yet! So
cholesterol is not
Heating cho-
lesterol to a very
high temperature,
as in open fire
grilling, does put
double bonds into
it and does make
PAHs out of it.^38
Yet, our own bodies never get that hot. Could there be en-
zymes that change our own cholesterol to PAHs? Yes. They
were never found in the research studies of the 1930’s and 40’s.
But the Syncrometer detects numerous PAHs that could be
made from our own cholesterol (listed further on). But only
when Ascaris is present! Ascaris is the common roundworm of
cats and dogs. It parasitizes us, too, though it is less obvious.
Many of our hormones, including estrogen and testosterone,
are made from cholesterol, and therefore have a similar struc-
ture, and therefore could be turned into PAHs as well.
(^37) Greenstein, The Carcinogenic Action Of Coal Tar, pp. 44-88.
(^38) Falk, H.L., Goldfien, S., Steiner, P.E., The Products of Pyrolysis of Cholesterol at
360°C and Their Relation to Carcinogens , Cancer Res., v. 9, 1949, pp. 438-47.