The third and possibly most important source of toxicity could be her
own teeth.
Anabelle tested Positive to malonic acid and methyl malonate the
morning of her “dental test.” This test was done by us in the fasted state in
the morning, on a saliva sample. Only artificial teeth could be a source of
malonates in this setting (not food or tapeworm stages).
Two days later she had all plastic fillings drilled out, leaving holes. But
due to confusion (and the dentist’s persuasion), she had two holes refilled by
another plastic at the same office.
Another dental test was arranged to evaluate the new plastic fillings.
Malonic acid was Positive again. To be absolutely certain it was coming
from the new fillings, we chipped them for testing; after all, they could be
easily repaired. They contained copper and malonates, but we felt she might
be able to tolerate this small amount—after all, she was not a cancer patient.
To test this assumption, the bone marrow along with liver, parathyroids, and
thymus were tested for malonates and copper for seven days in a row to see
if they would accumulate there. Only on one day did the thymus test Positive
for malonic acid and D-malic acid. So we thought her two new plastic fill-
ings were safe enough for her—besides, she did not want to lose them. A
final X-ray (full mouth series), of her teeth was scheduled. It revealed several
amalgam tattoos! The next day these were removed by the dentist. She left
for home, with reduced symptoms, although taking no supplements on a
regular basis due to allergies.
She was using cosmetics made with recipes from The Cure For All Can-
cers, looked well, and now had more energy. She left with several open teeth
which she would keep clean with 35% peroxide brushing, and promised to
return in a month.
During her three week stay her blood test had shown a very significant
improvement. Her WBC, which frequently dropped below 3,000 she said,
had come up to 3,600 by September 23. This would strengthen her immunity.
The RBC dropped from too high to a perfect value.
But all was not well. She returned from Canada two months later. This
time she had very high levels of isopropyl alcohol again, as well as benzene,
copper, formaldehyde, and urethane (plastic component known to cause can-
cer). Recently, she had felt a lump in her left breast and, in fact, had not felt
well for all the time she was away.
Tests showed copper and vanadium at the breast and cobalt in her
WBCs. The liver had D-malic acid and she was Positive for aflatoxin and
patulin, too. How could a lump come up so quickly?
Ortho-phospho-tyrosine was Negative, so the lump was not malignant.
But certainly it was growing. An ultrasound of the breast was scheduled as
well as a new blood test. By now we could interpret the low uric acid cor-
rectly. It implied high bacterial levels, something that would only happen if
glutathione levels were much too low. The glutathione was busy mopping up