and total protein were entirely normal. And liver enzymes were very good.
The good blood test results contradicted the appearance of an ill person with
disseminated bone cancer.
Her new ultrasound of the breast showed the breast lump clearly; it was
2.4 x 1.75 cm.
We began her dental cleanup immediately. She had a very “bad” mouth.
There were metal fillings everywhere, four root canals, and four caps. It was
obvious that all her teeth should be extracted. Bad dental health may have
caused her early development of cancer, at age thirty-four. Fortunately, she
did not rebel.
By day 4, she was in withdrawal (from smoking), she had headaches.
We were happy to have this evidence of quitting smoking, not just cutting
down. Each day she was being tested for all the cancer-related toxins at the
breast and bone: copper, cobalt, vanadium, five malonates, solvents, ure-
thane, aflatoxin, and patulin. She was testing Negative to all, including cop-
By October 14, her blood sugar was still too low. Uric acid was too low.
Phosphorus was too low. She was started on vitamin D. She was also started
on thyroid, 1½ grains a day.
By October 19, her new dentures arrived. We tested them for copper,
cobalt, vanadium, and five malonates. They were Negative. But we still
couldn’t risk her wearing them. What if the dental lab was aware that soaking
them in vitamin C water overnight would guarantee that they tested
Negative—for a day—and would pass our test deceptively! She was in-
structed to wait for our duplicate testing of them a few days later. She did not
rebel. She blended her meals and drank them.
It was October 24. Her eyes shone; she looked animated. She said she
felt “very much better.” She seemed to be entirely well. She could not feel
her rib and shoulder pain anymore.
But bone lesions
take time to heal. In
spite of healing, the
bone density would
be less at those
spots. Only after half
a year would it be
worthwhile to repeat
the bone scan.
On October 28,
a second ultrasound
of the breast was
done. There was no
trace of the tumor.
(Actually, six ultra-
sound views were
Oct. 28 lump gone