selves between the bases of our nucleic acids? Is our body
manufacturing its own demise? It is actually not our own doing
at all! It is the foreign biochemistry of our parasites! (I will
sometimes call it mis-biochemistry.)
Ascaris worms are responsible for the 1,10 phenanthroline,
20-methylcholanthrene, and dozens of related carcinogens!
Tapeworm stages contribute phorbol and dibenzanthracene!
Ascaris worms also bring two harmful bacteria: Rhizobium
leguminosarum and Mycobacterium avium/cellulare. More re-
search is needed to determine whether these are really responsi-
ble for our mis-biochemistry.
Tapeworm stages bring Streptomyces bacteria which spread
through the body. It could be these that are actually responsible
for the tapeworm mis-biochemistry. Streptomyces are also
known for their production of mycins, some of which are potent
inhibitors of RNA and protein formation. The Syncrometer de-
tects an assortment of these mycins in tumorous organs.^43
So although PAHs are one of the biggest abnormalities in a
tumor, they are caused by parasites, one of the easiest problems
to eliminate!
Once parasites and bacteria, including Clostridium , are
gone, PAHs and their mutations are gone! Excess DNA for mi-
tosis is gone, the amines coming from bacteria are gone, so py-
ruvic aldehyde (brakes) can return the cells to slow mitosis.
Next thiourea levels decrease, allowing thyroxine to replenish,
and a whole host of cell functions begin to normalize!
Fungus And Benzene
Fungus, too, plays a significant role. Fungus species produce
special chemicals called mycotoxins to fight the bacteria that
are constantly trying to take away their feeding grounds. That is
why our most popular antibiotics are mycotoxins.
(^43) Clark, H.R., Syncrometer Biochemistry Laboratory Manual, New Century Press,