With a clear mind again, she brought in the bone fragment like the tro-
phy it really was. She was as happy as we were. Did he get it all this time?
She was praying for this. We could now turn our attention to her high GGT.
We suspected mycotoxins. Aflatoxin was positive (at liver) and zearalenone
was positive (at liver), but although they were present, I wasn’t convinced
that was all. She agreed to do a liver cleanse that same night.
The very next day, February 18, she was much better. In fact, no sign of
illness was detectable. She could walk alone. We were all amazed. But she
wanted to go home. We gave her lecithin to help heal her brain (theoretically
at least).
Two days later, February 20, she said she was back to her normal self;
absolutely no abnormality in speech or walk or personality. She agreed to
repeat liver cleanses every two weeks. She was due to leave next day. We
scheduled a CT scan of the brain and a blood test. She demonstrated how
well she could walk, no pain in her leg or hip anymore but she was impatient
for her new dentures.
Next day, we reviewed her brain scan with her. It was easy to see the
improvement. The border of her old tumor could still be seen, but the density
was reduced, it was healing.
Feb 21 Tumor border faded, density reducing