After two days of force-feeding by the office staff, Arlene did not come
back. I feared the worst. Her family had called from New York to ask if they
should come here. I replied, yes.
We did not see her for six days.
On March 6, while glancing through my window, I saw her form pass
by. Was it a mirage? It was Arlene, alive and well. And hale and hearty, too.
She walked by herself with a strong stride. She said that even her memory
was better. Her edema was gone, she was her old self. In fact, she wanted
another CT scan to prove she was ready to go home. We arranged it. She had
never been better. And this time she really could go home, in spite of the
high GGT (1593). Perhaps her doctor at home could solve the mystery. Per-
haps a change of brain diuretic was called for. She had not had any seizures
either. Was she out of trouble at last? All her supplements were to be taken at
half dosage for another month only at home. We reviewed her scan. It was
even better than before. She said her good-byes as the vivacious person she
once was. Her transformation was as amazing as seeing a butterfly emerge
from its cocoon. It gave us all renewed resolve to never take defeat. When
all is lost, try something new. Life is too precious to let it slip away from
lack of initiative or plain inertia. She was a towering inspiration.
Summary: Some conclusions are obvious: it is much easier to shrink a
tumor than to recover from toxic damage. Secondly, you must never say βitβs
Mar. 6 near normal brain morphology and density