dium in particular). CFC’s were Negative, they had already moved their re-
frigerator out of doors two weeks earlier. But copper was Positive and very
high; she needed to get into copper-free water immediately. At home, new
plastic pipes would need to be installed before returning! They were given an
environmentally safe motel room at once. Our plan was to wait three days to
let the copper drain naturally from the cerebellum. If it did not, we would use
EDTA by mouth to chelate it out.
A blood test was scheduled; she started on the supplement program to
shrink tumors and was instructed to zap daily. She had already been zapping
at home, starting two weeks ago, to get her well enough to make the trip to
Her blood test of February 3 looked quite good. The WBC was some-
what high, indicating a bacterial infection somewhere. Her liver enzymes
were slightly high, particularly the SGOT, probably due to lead in the copper
water pipes. The LDH was slightly elevated [from Sudan Black B dye in
foods]. The potassium level was too high, showing that toxicity was affecting
the thyroid gland.
Peculiarly, her lymphocytes (48%) were higher than neutrophils (43%),
implying a viral condition. These 2 WBC varieties should be in a 20%
(lymph) to 80% ratio. Could she have picked up Epstein Barre Virus or was
this an aftermath of her DPT shot?
Two days later, she seemed to be in rather high spirits. She was clearly
more active. But she complained of a digestive problem. We searched
through our set of eight common digestive bacteria. Only Salmonella was
Positive. She had not been getting her Lugol’s iodine drops four times a day.
We gave her some immediately. She drank it stoically. Best of all, her new
copper test was now Negative at the cerebellum. We would not need to
Another two days later, the parents elaborated more about Nancy’s past
health. For two years already, Nancy had a lot of mucous in the back of her
throat. She had been banged by a friend’s head on her front (baby) tooth and
lost it. She had frequent belly-aches for about a year. I decided to test addi-
tionally for Ascaris next day.
The search began at the cerebellum. Five clostridium species Negative at
cerebellum. Clostridium tetani Positive at cerebellum. (The DPT shot con-
tains inactivated Clostridium tetani; was this somehow related?) Lactobacil-
lus casei Positive at cerebellum. I knew these bacteria were not coming from
her teeth, nor would they originate in the brain. Could they be hiding in her
appendix? A quick search found the appendix Negative for all. I was at a
loss, and turned my attention to Ascaris. Stomach aches in children are usu-
ally caused by Ascaris or Salmonella, the former if chronic, the latter if ac-
companied by a temperature. The test results showed Ascaris Positive in the
“whole body” test, Negative at cerebellum, and Positive at stomach.
And all other food bacteria were Positive at the stomach too, in spite of
Lugol’s treatments! Evidently they were coming from the Ascaris worms and