tested Negative at Nancy’s cerebellum. TNF was Positive there. The tumor
must be shrinking.
On February 14 her MRI arrived from home, taken post-surgically at
end of November 1996. The tumor remnant was actually quite large; it was
probably already growing. Contrast material (white area at reader’s lower
left) at the surgery space is easy to identify. There is considerable displace-
ment of the midline (not shown). The two halves are not symmetrical.
On February 17, the family was still Negative to Ascaris. They had been
enjoying the tourist attractions and had been to the zoo!—a dangerous place
for parasite-afflicted children. Nancy appeared entirely normal, climbing and
jumping off our garden wall. Nobody scolded her; we were delighted to see
her health return.
On February 19, a routine search for any other tumor was done
(searching for DNA in 40 organs). One was Positive, the lung!
Indeed, her latest blood test showed elevation of alkaline phosphatase,
implicating the lungs. [Was she exposed to a dye unbeknownst to us?] But a
p53 test at the lung was Negative, showing that mutations were not occur-
ring, at least not this common one. Something was growing there, though. A
quick check showed all bacteria Negative at lung, but Ascaris larvae Posi-
We had found the problem. Fortunately, we had more than one Ascaris
stage represented in the slide set. Were these larvae making DNA? Or was
there yet another bacterium released by Ascaris that was not in my collection
(I can’t test without a sample)? And how was she getting reinfected with
Ascaris larvae were also found in the stomach now. Could there be live
Ascaris eggs stuck in gallstones in her liver ducts to give her this recurrence?
[At that time we were not aware that raw vegetables from grocery shops
carry the parasite eggs.] Some could be killed at once (we gave Nancy 7
clove capsules, twice, 1½ hours apart), but a liver cleanse would be needed.
On February 22, her brain was free of DNA, and p53. RNA was plenti-
ful, as it should be, but a routine check detected acetone! Acetone is the de-
toxification product of isopropyl alcohol! Soon isopropyl alcohol was found
to be Positive, and high. A frantic search for the source ensued. Isopropyl
will spur tumor growth faster than anything else—probably by leading to
hCG formation. There was no time to lose. How long had it been going on
without detection? Food (safe restaurant) products, our supplements were all
tested immediately. It was in her hat! A new washable sun hat! It was
snatched off and away. [In retrospect this article of clothing would have
given her azo dyes, too.]
On February 26, all Ascaris and toxins and bacteria tested Negative. She
no longer needed Lugol’s iodine, she was staying clear of Salmonella. She
could go home, if a new CT scan of the brain stem showed improvement.
They went at once for the test.