cerebrum. He had a tumor. I said nothing. He permitted a few more tests.
They were: Positive at the cerebrum, for urethane, bisphenol-A, and for gene
mutation p53.
I explained that dental plastic was getting into the brain, perhaps starting
a region of poor metabolism. I recommended an MRI of the brain. Somehow
his father got him to the radiologist. A few days later they arrived, negatives
in hand. A tumor of considerable size was present, pressing against the
meninges, the brain’s protective membranes next to the bone.
We were shocked. How very find it now.
He was given the cancer program now, and instructions to remove all
metal and plastic from his teeth.
Ten days later he was a different young man. He had stopped using any
tobacco. He made conversation with us. He had a smile. He had removed all
metal-containing teeth by extraction. He was actually taking his supplements,
without resistance.
His plastic fillings still needed removal to get rid of the urethane and
bisphenol source. He was sent for air abrasion to remove them on March 18.
After this, on March 19, both urethane and bisphenol tested Negative.
But copper, cobalt, vanadium, mercury, silver, and riboside-vanadyl-
complexes still tested Positive at his bone marrow. Evidently, he still had bits
of amalgam (tattoos) left in his mouth. This was reflected in his second blood
test, where the RBC was still too high. All the liver enzymes plus alk phos
were up slightly, too, a transient effect that I didn’t understand [due to tumor
Mar 6 CT profile shows tumor circled by radiologist