throughout the day to prevent infection since we could not risk the toxic ac-
tion of antibiotics during these “final days.” Final unless our program could
be carried our correctly, without interference by infections or toxicity from
drugs. The only additional supplement, other than the ones on the regular 21
Day Program, was zinc (30 mg per day) for his prostate.
Two days later he arrived at the office with a strong step, standing taller
and with a smile. He was without pain, for the first time, although he had
gone off his “estrogen” and pain killers for twenty-four hours. He was wait-
ing for massive pain to return, but it did not. His mouth was still painful, and
a spot over his left shoulder blade hurt, but this was probably liver-related,
not bone.
The Syncrometer tests now showed 6 clostridium species Negative at
bone; Staphylococcus aureus Negative at bone; 3 salmonellas Negative at
bone; 3 shigellas Negative at bone; E. coli Negative at bone; 6 streptococcus
species Negative at bone. Absence of bacteria at bone tissue explained his
absence of pain. True healing is slower.
Then his parasite status was checked at the gallbladder. Stages are fre-
quently collected here, so it is the first place to search for them. The Syn-
crometer test showed Rhizobium leguminosarum and Mycobacterium avium
Negative at gallbladder. This negative result implies absence of all Ascaris
and its stages.
Streptomyces and protease Positive at gallbladder. This positive result
implies there are still tapeworm stages present somewhere.
Ferrous gluconate (the correct form) Negative at bone. Ferric phosphate
(the wrong form) Positive and in high amounts. Inositol Negative at bone.
Rhodizonic acid Negative at bone. Cysteine, methionine, taurine Negative at
bone. I added inositol to his cancer program to help his metabolism make
rhodizonic acid and ascorbic acid. He had a significant shortage of ferrous
iron at the bones due to over-oxidation by phenol. The sulfur containing
amino acids were still absent in spite of taking them. I doubled the dose.
A follow-up blood test was scheduled since it had been five days since
the previous one. And an ultrasound of the prostate for the following day,
September 23, 1997.
This must have been the best day in his life. From a one percent chance
of survival, using our advanced method he had climbed to about a ninety
percent chance of survival. His alkaline phosphatase had just dropped to one-
half its starting value. In that one result, his life had been offered back to
him. It was now 349. We had somehow caught and eliminated the dye that
was destroying him; it was undoubtedly in some of his dental plastic. [At this
time we had not identified it as DAB yet.]
The liver enzymes had all improved, too. His liver could make more
protein, especially globulin (antibodies) which had been too low. His potas-
sium level was adequate now. He could reduce his potassium supplement.
Testing for clostridium species showed they were all Negative now at
the teeth; he had cleared them up with water picking and hot packing.