How bad is “bad”? Oxidized germanium may be responsible
for attacking the spleen somehow and causing the anemia that is
a common cause of death for cancer sufferers, because the Syn-
crometer always detects bad germanium at the spleen. More re-
search is needed here. But certainly depleting good germanium
reduces our immunity. More importantly, when the Syncrome-
ter does not detect good germanium it always detects muta-
tions in the form of p53 and excess hCG. This implies good
germanium is necessary to prevent cancer, and other research
suggests this also.^49
Unfortunately, it does little good to take organic germanium
supplements! There are two reasons for this. Commercially, the
organic forms are made in a laboratory so traces of inorganic
germanium, such as germanium dioxide, are still present; and
secondly, unless you get rid of asbestos (and benzene), your
body will inevitably change the good germanium to bad.
Fortunately, asbestos can be removed in days from your vi-
tal organs by avoiding asbestos contaminated foods and drink-
ing lots of fluids. So that, too, gets top priority along with para-
site killing in the 21 Day Program.
More Mutagens and Tumor Formers
I detect many other mutagens, besides PAHs, in tumors.
Here are a few:
- Betapropiolactone (not a PAH) also associated with As-
caris; a tumor inducer. - Ortho-amino-azotoluene (the active portion of Sudan
IV), Sudan Black B , and 4-diaminoazobenzene (DAB),
three of numerous azo dyes, pervasively present in foods,
clothing, as well as hair dyes. They cause mutations that
raise the blood LDH and alkaline phosphatase while
(^49) Gerber, G.B., Léonard, A., Mutagenicity, carcinogenicity and teratogenicity of
germanium compounds, Mutation Research, v. 387, 1997, pp. 141-46.