time for his vacation). He had taken betaine religiously, so no Clostridium
had colonized his colon. But tapeworm stages were present again, this time
at the bile duct and bone. He had been eating baked cheese dishes in Mex-
ico—they were probably not truly sterile. He was advised to do an ozonated
oil liver cleanse right away, besides the parasite program.
In spite of this set back, his cell division regulators pyruvic aldehyde and
thiourea were not disturbed from their normal periodicity, no bacterial
amines were present to disturb them, there was no Clostridium.
His new blood test showed further improvement. The alkaline phos-
phatase was now 262. It still needed to drop to 85. We advised him to stay
until it was completely normal. The LDH had dropped back down. His liver
was making plenty of blood protein. His body could make urea again.
In a day his solvents were gone again, hCG was Negative, but tapeworm
stages had not cleared up. He was to repeat a liver cleanse on the weekend.
Instead, he chose to repeat it at once—since his flight home was just a
day away, and he wanted to leave in perfect health. Another ultrasound of
the prostate was scheduled, too. On his last day, the ultrasound showed that
his prostate had shrunk to thirty-seven grams and was still quite normal.
His repeat liver cleanse had done away with tapeworm stages again. I
advised doing a liver cleanse every two weeks.
Summary: It was a happy goodbye. And a mission accomplished. His
bone scan was not repeated since bone density does not change significantly
in five weeks. The alk phos was the best monitor for his case. His prostate
ultrasounds, too, could not add any information. We had missed getting an
ultrasound of his prostate on the day he arrived, and by the time it was done,
there were no tumors visible. The numbers tell the whole story. Numbers and
physical health.
Bruce Engevik
9/18 9/23 10/9 Vacatio
WBC 7.1 5.9 6.4
RBC 4.64 4.45 4.5
PLT 234 180 217
glucose 77 111 98 99
BUN 8.0 19 17 18
creatinine 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2
AST (SGOT) 19 11 19 16
ALT (SGPT) 26 11 20 22
LDH 105 96 209 93
GGT 32 23 21 22
T.b. 0.6 0.6 0.1 0.7
alk phos 780 349 444 262
T.p. 6.4 6.8 6.9 7.3
albumin 4.6 4.5 4.6 4.7
globulin 1.8 2.3 2.3 2.6
uric acid 5.8 5.4 5.3 4.1
Calcium 8.7 8.8 9.1 8.7