green black walnut hull (three times a day); and vitamin C (2 tsp. three times
a day).
Ten days later the acrolein was gone. Did this mean it had digested? The
next scan wasn’t due for another week.
The March 20 scan was also too good to be true. George had to be jolted
into reality—that it was
really happening for
him—but still with cau-
tious interpretation. Al-
though the tumor-cyst
was down to 9 x 10 mm,
it could still easily fill
up again if he were to
get a dose of Ascaris or
common food bacteria.
He needed no warning.
It was only on this day,
seven months after his
arrival, that he allowed
himself to repeat the
exact words of his doc-
tor at home: You will
die. Was his life
scarred? I think not, for
he was pursuing the
hard sciences, studying
English, doing very well at school, and looking forward to a university edu-
April 24 brought further good news; the tumor-cyst was still smaller.
But what about his blood tests? When he arrived August 3, his alk phos was
clearly elevated, but was it due to his status as a young growing boy? His
albumin and uric acid were slightly elevated, but nothing serious. More seri-
ous were his low triglycerides and cholesterol. His last blood test, Feb. 19,
was not very different. His state of nutrition had not improved in spite of
gaining height and weight. But his story was not yet done and this book must
go to press.
Summary: George and his father get excellent grades. They were the
first to try (and succeed) at lanthanide removal. But there is a cyst remnant
remaining, a calcified pineal to rescue and, ultimately, a shunt to remove.
Can it be done?
George Hill
8/3 8/10 8/24 9/7 9/21
WBC 5.3 5.5 5.9 6.4 4.9
RBC 4.67 4.81 4.97 4.53 4.94
Mar 20 tumor still shrinking