the amino acids present in her tissues for
whatever task her cells wished to ac-
complish. We wished her well and said
our good-byes.
Next day, we received her new bone
scan. The radiologist noted some regions
of osteoporosis, nothing suggestive of
cancer. We can see the reduced intensity
of former hot spots. Especially along the
back of the head and neck and upper
spine; the bone appears entirely normal.
Summary: Katherine worked hard
to recover from the bone cancer that
gave her painful lesions, too numerous
to count three years ago. But other pa-
tients did, too, without so much success.
What was the difference? I believe
Katherine had several advantages. She
had dentures—she was not burdened
with the extra toxicity of metal, plastic,
or infections of the jaw that come with
numerous restorations. Besides this, the
extra high doses of rhodizonate she took
initially surely would have detoxified
the food dyes accumulated in her body.
We knew nothing about them at that
time; we now accomplish this with co-
enzyme Q10 and vitamin B 2. She did not
use hair dye—another lucky break. After
overcoming her bone cancer, she not
only became well, but extraordinarily
well. What was responsible for this? She
had two unusual habits: zapping daily
for three years and a diet rich with chicken soup. (She even saved chicken
stock for use in cooking many other dishes during the week.)
Katherine kept us inspired through the three years we were developing
the 21 Day Program. Thank you Katherine.
Long Term Follow Up
Curing yourself of mosquito bites or the common cold is not
a serious challenge but it can be quite a frustrating task; they
Last bone scan