Warts, First Cousins To Tumors
A wart, too, has an assortment of heavy metals detected by
the Syncrometer. It has the mutagens made by mis-biochemistry
of Ascaris and tapeworm stages. It even has p53 mutations and
myc oncogenes.
But it can keep up its self-destruction, its apoptosis. Its bcl-2
gene is working properly. The bcl-2 gene produces bcl-2 for
thirty seconds, followed by bax for thirty seconds, in endless
continuity. Bax, in turn, is produced by your bax gene.
The ratio of these two gene products determines the rate of
apoptosis. A wart has started to multiply abnormally, but its
genes that govern killing off excess cells still work, so a wart’s
growth reaches a limit.
A true tumor is also multiplying abnormally, but its apopto-
sis mechanism is broken, so it grows limitlessly. If we could
keep from mutating our bcl-2 and bax genes, our small, helpless
masses would stay that way.
Cell Problems Intensify
But by now, our small mass has a large quantity of metals
and dye accumulated. Besides, these toxins are spreading to our
vital organs: the spleen, bone marrow, liver, and parathyroids.
The effects of mis-biochemistry (parasite induced mutagens,
like 1,10-phenanthroline) are spreading, too.
Sulfur levels are getting too low to let metal sulfides be
formed for safe excretion. Inorganic copper, cobalt, germanium,
thulium (a lanthanide), vanadium, and azo dyes will become the
“ultimate toxins”, the deadly reapers for the entire body.