Sterilize for Storage
Food will keep much better if given a sterilization treatment
before putting it in the refrigerator.
Eggs should be washed and dried with a paper towel before
storing. Throw away the carton; it is full of Salmonella.
Greens, vegetables and fruits can be soaked for 1 minute in
HCl-water (2 drops per cup) or Lugol’s-water (1 drop per quart)
before storing.
Microwaving to Sterilize
Microwaving is especially useful for meats (fish and fowl).
Although 3 minutes of microwaving kills many parasite
eggs and larvae left over after the food has been baked, it is still
not as reliable as double-boiling. Meat that is boiled till totally
soft, cooled, and boiled again for at least 10 minutes is safe.
Many primitive cultures cooked this way!
Stay away from the microwave oven while it is on. How far
should you stay? The distance the electromagnetic field reaches,
as measured by a field meter (see Sources). It is easy to use and
rather educational, costing less than $150.00 (U.S.).
Old, powerful units may spew the hazardous field up to 15
feet! Walk out of the kitchen if you have one of these. Newer,
small units, 600 watts, spew only a few inches around the
seams. Some spew nothing. Having food in the oven while it is
on greatly reduces the field that is spewed out. Never have it on
when empty.
I have not done extensive food testing for safety after mi-
crowaving. These experiments await the future. In preliminary
tests of microwaved oil and water, I did not observe them in my
immune system minutes later. I did observe the destruction of
organic “good” germanium which is essential for a strong im-
mune system and the appearance of bad (i.e. oxidized) germa-
nium. So, caution is advised. Use it for sterilization of food, not
as a convenience.