because sick tissues become overloaded with sodium. Pulling
the sodium out of them with potassium in the diet (or cesium as
a medicine) helps them recover.
Use honey and maple syrup. All granulated forms I pur-
chased at grocery stores or health food stores had asbestos fibers
in them(!) except for the organic variety shown; it is imported
from Paraguay. Sucrose purchased from a chemical supply
company also did not.
Preserves must be homemade:
1 cup fruit
1 tbs. water
Soak twice for 1 minute each time in very hot water and dry;
this removes wax-spray and dye. Peel. Heat to boiling in water,
stirring with wooden spoon. When done, add half as much
sweetening as fruit and bring to boil again. Add HCl drops at
point of use (2 drops per cup).
Variations: add lemon juice for extra zip.
Nearly Butter
10 oz. coconut oil
2 oz. olive oil
Organic sugar, maple syrup, locally produced honey, and sucrose.