solvents and petroleum products.) All the flours on the super-
market shelves tested free of aflatoxin. Use water instead of
milk for the recipes during a dairy-free period.
White bread purchased at a bakery is safe if ¼ inch is
trimmed off the bottom where petroleum grease (bringing ben-
zene) was used in the bread pan. Here, also, you would find sili-
cone being used as a “non-stick agent.”
Since eggs carry rabbit fluke, internally, they must be ster-
ilized. This is easy to do while in the liquid, raw state but im-
possible after cooking. Add 1 drop HCl to each raw egg used.
Beat or mix well. After serving add 2 drops per egg.
Beans, Dried Peas, Lentils and Rice
These foods have hard centers even after regular cooking.
Shigella bacteria and Ascaris eggs not only survive there, they
are helped to multiply. The eggs hatch into larvae on a massive
scale during the cooling down period, ready to invade. But once
hatched, they are vulnerable and can be killed by boiling briefly
again. Refried beans or rice and twice cooked peas and lentils
are safe. Pressure cooking these foods until very soft speeds up
the process, but still does not kill everything at first. After a 10
minute cool-down (adding cold water shortens this to 5 min-
utes), bring to boil again for 5 minutes. They must still be ster-
ilized at time of serving.
Cook, bake, poach or fry them the usual way first. Then
scoop it all into a plastic “cooking bag” and microwave until
meat falls apart (one serving typically takes three minutes). On
the plate add HCl, three drops per serving. If meats have been
cooked, as in soup or stew, a second boil sterilizes them, too.