Alginate Intestinal Healer
2 tsp. sodium alginate powder
1 pint water or soup stock 1
/ 8 tsp. potassium gluconate or sodium-potassium salt
4 drops HCl
Blend all together till smooth and clear. Add HCl in last few
For intestines that are sore from surgery, blockage, or in-
flammation this will soothe, as it finds even the narrowest pas-
sageway and keeps it open to counteract blockage. The alginate
is not meant to be digested; it forms a gelatinous ribbon right
through the intestine, giving bulk and absorbing toxins along the
way. Consume 1 cup a day in tablespoon amounts that you add
to soup, stew, pudding, pie, broth or moose elm drink.
You may combine moose elm and alginate beverages.
Almond Milk
1 cup almonds with brown skins on
Potassium gluconate or sodium-potassium salt
Soak almonds for two days in water, changing the water
several times. This loosens the skin. Or pour boiling water over
them and let cool. Slip skins off by hand. Blend, adding water to
drinkable consistency. Add^1 / 8 tsp. salt per pint. Sterilize with 4
drops of HCl per cup.
Variations: add vitamin C and sweetening to taste; add half
nā half when dairy is allowed. This is very nutritious; helps gain
Melon Lemon
1 peeled lemon (wash twice with hot water first)
1 honeydew melon, peeled and cleaned