Recipe #3
1 tbs. shark cartilage
¼ cup beet juice or puree
1 tbs. vinegar
2 capsules fennel
½ cup milk
1 tsp. vitamin C
Shark cartilage tastes awful to me, so here are six different
ways to take it. If you are taking papain, which tastes (actually,
smells) even worse, you could combine it also, on the theory
that bad tastes neutralize each other!
Shark cartilage should be sterilized to kill bacteria. Add 2
drops of hydrochloric acid to each recipe just before drinking.
Stir until smooth. Increase water or vinegar to taste.
Flax Seed
whole flax seed or linseed
Throw away damaged seeds. Rinse 1 tbs. flax seed in HCl-
water and drain. Set to soak in fresh HCl-water for 10 minutes
or till soft enough to chew. Add to cereal, salad or, later, to cot-
tage cheese.
Back to Dairy Foods—After 21 Days
All dairy foods come from one source—milk. And since
milk is contaminated with bacteria and their spores, parasite
eggs and stages, and the ubiquitous rabbit fluke, it is under-
standable that the Syncrometer detects all these in cheese, yo-
gurt, ice cream, etc. Pasteurization kills some, boiling kills
more, pressure cooking kills even more, yet the rabbit fluke and
Ascaris eggs survive. But a few drops of hydrochloric acid kills
them. Stir in drops according to the table below, and let stand
2½ minutes or more. It takes this long to kill tapeworm stages.
Dairy Food 5% hydrochloric acid (HCl)
Milk, one cup 2 drops
Buttermilk or yogurt, one cup 4 drops