merely rinse. Leave rinse in your hair until you finish your
shower, at least one minute, this softens and adds gloss to your
hair. Then lightly wash out rinse under shower.
After stepping out of the shower, comb hair first—straight
back. Dry hair before the rest of your body. Dry by pressing
with towel in a straight-back direction about a dozen times. This
puts curl in your hair. Never rub hair with towel or change the
direction. For extra gloss, rub your hands with a washed lemon;
then pat hair with hands in same direction. Let air dry, or sun
dry, or hang hair over an electric radiator. Keep warm.
Follow the recipe exactly. If the water for dye extraction is
too hot or too cold, it will not work. If the time for extraction is
too short or too long, the product changes. If the mixture is too
thin it will run off your hair. If it is too thick it will spatter with-
out good contact. But the time to leave it on your hair can be
made longer—and probably helps it darken. Don’t give up until
you have tried several times.
Experiment using other combinations of dyes and other
kinds of herbs. Keep notes. Please contribute your tips to the
Eyebrow Color
1 capsule freeze-dried green black walnut hull
2 drops Lugol’s iodine
¼ tsp. Everclear alcohol (in 750 ml or 1 L size bottle)
Dissolve all in a plastic spoon. Apply carefully. Keep eyes
closed. Do not apply dye of any kind to eyelids or eyelashes.
Recipes for Household Products
Carpet Cleaner
Whether you rent a machine or have a cleaning service,
don’t use the carpet shampoo they want to sell, even if they