ter. Remember, you must move your bowels or cleanse at least
once a day.
Coffee Enema
Although this has profound effects that are beneficial, you
must take special precautions due to asbestos pollution of all
coffees tested. They also contain Ascaris eggs and Sorghum
mold (the variety that causes purpura and strokes). Use 4 heap-
ing tbs. regular coffee in 1 quart/L water, boil 3 minutes. Let
cool 10 minutes. Then bring back to boil 5 more minutes. Filter
through a double (Mr. Coffee) filter to remove asbestos. Steril-
ize with 1 drop Lugol’s per cup. This also destroys mold. Espe-
cially useful to reduce pain. Kills Ascaris stages all over body;
stimulates bile production.
Giving Yourself The Perfect Enema
Any drop you spill and everything you use to do the enema
will somehow contaminate your bathroom. Yet you must leave
it all perfectly sanitary for your own protection. So follow these
instructions carefully.
Spread a large plas-
tic trash bag on the
bathroom floor. Place a
plastic shopping bag
beside it and a paper
plate on it. Set a chair
nearby, too. The trash
bag is for you to lie on.
Lie on your back if you
have nobody to help
Instructions on commercially available enema bottles advise
you to be on your knees. This may be workable for the small
squeeze-bottle of ready-made solution you can purchase. Other
instructions tell you to lie on your side. It is quite impossible,