over oozing area. Drip Lugol’s iodine, drop by drop, onto the
paper till completely coated. You may also use diluted dental
bleach (1 part dental bleach to 10 parts water) and apply. Then
drip oregano oil over the paper, drop by drop, till wetted again.
Expect some burning. Test your skin surface first with both
types of application to see if they are tolerable. Leave treated
wound uncovered by clothing. The paper will keep it dry,
draining and aerated.
Heat, namely, a hot water bottle in the armpit and on the
breast, is healing, in a similar way to Dental Aftercare. Tumors
can be “drawn” to the surface, which is a much better place to
drain them than internally. The heat also brings in arterial blood
with greater immune power. But when oozing through the skin
has begun, the area should be kept dry to assist healing.
If tumors that are treated topically do not shrink, but grow
larger instead, you are continuing to infect with food borne
parasites and bacteria, and to take in toxins such as asbestos,
isopropyl alcohol, and benzene. There are no exceptions. You
must search for a source of these in food and dentalware. Be
sure to consult a physician.
Curing Dentures
Various kinds of dentures, including colored, can be hard-
ened using this recipe. This means they will not seep to a de-
tectable level, releasing acrylic acid, urethane, bisphenol, metals
or dyes. This was tested with a Syncrometer by soaking den-
tures of various kinds and colors in water for many hours and
sampling the soak-water. Since you will not be able to test, I
recommend repeating this denture-cure three times.
Denture Hardening
candy thermometer or other easy to read thermometer