It is assumed that you have basic training or are self taught
with the Syncrometer as described in The Cure For All Cancers.
There are courses and a training video available (see Sources).
The experiments chosen here are a sample of a much larger
set (Syncrometer Biochemistry Laboratory Manual, New Cen-
tury Press, 1999). These are some of the most interesting.
Please note these precautions when doing Syncrometer
- Some test substances are toxic, but there is no need to
open any test substance bottles; simply use the material in
original sealed bottle. - Don’t do such research in the presence of children.
- Keep your test substances locked up, labeled with poison
signs so no accident could ever happen.
Exp. 1 Finding Ascaris
Purpose: to find the source of Ascaris and other parasites.
Materials: prepared microscope slides of Ascaris megalo-
cephala (available from Southern Biological Supply, see
Sources), Ascaris lumbricoides, Ascaris eggs, Ascaris (lung
stage), Leishmania , Toxoplasma (Carolina Biological Supply
Company). HCl, cysteine, pure salt, Lugol’s iodine, povidone
iodine (Spectrum).
Methods: make samples of the dust in your home. Collect a
dust sample from bedroom furniture with a damp piece of paper
towel, 2 inches by 2 inches (5 cm x 5 cm), and place in a reclos-
able baggie. Collect a dust sample off carpets. Sample the food
in your refrigerator, as well as canned goods. Prepare samples
of lettuce, cabbage, strawberries, and other raw foods.
Search each sample for all four Ascaris slides. (You put the
dust sample on one Syncrometer test plate, an Ascaris slide on
the other test plate, and test for resonance. Then repeat with
other slides and dust samples.) Note that Ascaris is present in
the dust or carpet only when a pet lives there or a pet once lived
there. Note that Ascaris is always present in raw foods, even