
(pavlina) #1

ene inosine. Surely, this could cause a flurry of mutations. Per-
haps such a mutation could result in the excessive production of
hCG. The Syncrometer detects hCG widespread in the body
when isopropyl alcohol is present. hCG has been implicated in
cancer for decades. In fact, it was formerly used as a cancer
marker. Perhaps, if we consumed a lot more vitamin C, our nu-
cleic acids would be protected from isopropyl alcohol. What
becomes of the nucleoside adducts (combinations)? Are they

Exp. 5 Brakes And Accelerator

Purpose: to find toxic amines made by bacteria and observe
their effect on pyruvic aldehyde (the “brakes” for cell division)
and thiourea (the “accelerator”).
Materials: tissue samples used in Experiment 2, 1,5-
diaminopentane, agmatine (Acros), tyramine (Spectrum), dia-
minopropane, guanidine, ethylene diamine, cysteamine (Sigma),
six clostridium species used in Experiment 2, Rhizobium legu-
minosarum , Streptomyces albus, Streptomyces venezuelae,
Streptomyces griseus (Wards), Mycobacterium avium/cellulare
(no current source), Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus mi-
tis, Streptococcus lactis (Wards), Streptococcus alpha , Strepto-
coccus beta , Streptococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pneumoniae
(no current source), Staphylococcus aureus (Wards), pyruvic
aldehyde, thiourea (Sigma).
Methods: search for any of these bacteria in an organ that is
severely handicapped such as underactive or overactive thyroid,
ovary with cyst, breast with lump, prostate with hypertrophy,
etc. Then search for amines in organs (both with and without
bacteria). Then compare length of time pyruvic aldehyde is pre-
sent (resonant) with time thiourea is present in organs with and
without amines.
Conclusion: Clostridium causes all amines to be present
while other bacteria cause some to be present. A few are present
even without bacteria there. In handicapped organs (that have

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