
(pavlina) #1

468 31-33 This showed that ... being removed. (all italics)
476 12 cerebrum. rhodanese Positive. cerebrum. Rhodanese Positive.
560 15 (Althea officinallis) (Althea officinalis)
581 13 isopropylidine adenosine isopropylidene adenosine
Index List of wrong page numbers in Index:
bromelain (191); cloves (108); fitting, dental (548); folic acid (136); garlic
(108); ginger (108); grains (108); hydrangea root (108, 199); magnet (194);
methyl sulfonyl methane, MSM (191); peanut butter (107); potatoes (107);
shark cartilage (191); sodium selenite, selenite (194); thioctic acid (200);
[ thyme (107); vitamin B12 (136)

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