Clostridium. Our clinic did not have the use of a hyperbaric
oxygen chamber. Yet, they can be vanquished in other ways,
too. They can be pushed back down the tract, all the way to the
colon, and even eliminated from there. But then, mysteriously,
the colon is promptly re-inoculated! From where?
The only truly anaerobic location in our bodies is artifi-
cial—a prosthesis! We have unknowingly built one into our
teeth during tooth repair! If our teeth become colonized with
Clostridium , they become a source of distribution to the colon
and tumors.
Tooth fillings, if imperfectly applied, create a crevice be-
tween tooth and filling that is suitable for anaerobes to live in.
Dead teeth also invite Clostridium. If your teeth have gray or
bluish-black discoloration, you probably have Clostridium in-
fection. It is fairly easy to spot, visually, in a dead or filled
tooth. But of course it is hidden from view under a cap or crown
or simply under a filling. Usually, many species of Clostridium
grow together. I test for six species. They are usually all present
when there are large plastic fillings, and when crowns, root ca-
nals, or dead teeth are present.
The next time you have a tooth extracted, ask the dentist to
give it to you, so you can search for the thin, black lines of
clostridium invasion yourself.
Clostridia are not necessarily present under small fillings,
such as those in front teeth. It is probably easier to get a small
filling to stick perfectly to the tooth than a large one, so no
crevice develops.
Evicting The Colonies
Once the teeth and colon have been colonized by Clostrid-
ium , they can not be easily eradicated. No immune power can
reach the colony in the teeth; there is no circulation to the fill-
ings! So all immune support fails.