The intensity setting on the X-ray machine was not correct for
Next, look at the lower teeth. The root tips are on the print,
but not very clear. The X-ray machine produced two dark verti-
cal lines at the centers, obscuring the roots further (a good rea-
son to get it redone on the spot). Under each end-tooth is a
roundish white spot. On the X-ray film, which you would be
examining, these would be dark spots. These are the holes in the
jawbone that allow the nerve and blood vessels to pass through.
A tooth was pulled three months ago on the lower left side.
Note that the bone has already filled in almost to the top, so that
a nearly flat line is seen to mark the ridge of the jaw bone from
one side to the other. This shows good healing.
Locate the center. You have four small flat teeth in front on
the lower side. The center is between them so two are on the left
side and two on the right. The center on the upper side is easier
to find; see the arrow.
The fifth tooth from the center at upper left (L) has a black
cloud emerging upward from the root tip like a swarm of gnats
above it. This is an infection, the bacteria are parading up to-
wards the brain. Brain tumors are made of such events. Trying
to save such a tooth would be a bad mistake, even though it
“looks good and was giving no trouble.” Plastic (black edges)
can be seen on the inner edge of the top center teeth; this was
done for cosmetic purposes. A few more bits of plastic are seen
here and there. No cavitations (dark areas) are seen in the bot-
tom half where the visibility is good.
A large tattoo (spattered amalgam) did not show up on this
X-ray although the dentist spotted it easily just by searching,
visually, some time later, while working on the mouth. Tattoos
can be notoriously difficult to find, either way.