Crohn's Disease.......................................................
is somewhat more serious because the sores are higher up in
the digestive tract. This is because sheep liver fluke and pancre-
atic fluke are commonly the main parasites and these live in the
pancreas and liver. They often spill over into the upper intestine.
Salmonella and Shigella are always part of the picture, too, as
are various amoebae and fungi. The treatment is the same, kill all
parasites and remove all pollutants, especially wood alcohol in
commercial beverages. Healing of the digestive tract is very
quick, often in a week. Reinfection is very quick too, if the rule
about cooking dairy foods is not observed. Keep up meticulous
hand sanitation.
Michelle Whorton had stomach pain at the middle of her abdomen, not
related to eating. She had occasional very bad diarrhea and also
daily headaches. She was started on the kidney herbs for other
reasons. Her diarrhea disappeared! We found she had Ascaris
(probably in her stomach where they cause indigestion and in-
flammation). She zapped them with a frequency generator set to
408 KHz for three minutes at 10 volts. She was to be very careful
with sanitation since they owned a number of farm dogs. Next seen
after six weeks, she stated that all her previous problems were
gone but she had a different pain in the mid-lower abdomen that
got worse during her period and sent pain shooting down both
This turned out to be uterine in origin, but not endometriosis. Her
uterus was full of asbestos, arsenic, gold, silver, titanium, propyl
alcohol, benzene, styrene, toluene and carbon tetrachloride. This
would invite any bacteria toward it!
Mark Lippman, age 51, came in for his irritable bowel syndrome, hop-
ing we would find Giardia and put an end to it quickly. Actually, he
had intestinal flukes, beginning to invade the liver. He also had
propyl alcohol built up in his body giving him a precancerous con-
dition that needed immediate attention. The flukes were killed in
twenty minutes, along with Ascaris (he had swollen eyelids). He
was allergic to milk as could be expected with so much interfer-