Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1


Could we get warts from playing with toads in childhood?
We don't play with toads anymore. Yet we get warts. We don't
know how we get them. But after learning how to get rid of them,
you will probably know how you got them. Not all warts are the
same. In fact, they might all be different: each one is made up of
5 or 6 different viruses, not just one as we had believed.
Peel a tiny fragment off one of your warts. Prepare it for
testing by placing it in a small bottle. Add a few tsp. filtered
water and a ¼ tsp. grain alcohol, Label it with the location you
got it from: like “left middle finger knuckle. “First, search your
body for other locations of this wart (organs that test positive to
your sample). You can easily find them in your skin, of course.
But also search electronically in your liver, spleen, muscles,
stomach, heart, pancreas. Notice how often they are present in
the pancreas. The pancreas seems to be a wart-virus heaven.
Are they in the islets or the rest of the pancreas?
Without a zapper, you will need to find the frequency of each
virus to completely destroy it. Attach your frequency generator
and search between 400 and 290 KHz. When you find its
resonant frequency, kill it by treating yourself for three minutes at
10 volts from a frequency generator. Will your warts fall off?
In a few days one or two of your warts will begin to shred.
After a week you may lose one or two completely, and find that
several more have become smaller. The remainder are un-
changed. Continue to identify and kill them. Notice that they are
not necessarily gone from the pancreas or other organs at the
same time as they are gone from the skin. Perhaps warts are not
the benign entities we have believed them to be. They may, in
fact, ride into the body on some common bacteria, like Salmo-
nella, or common parasite like pinworms or tapeworm stages.

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