Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

stages from infancy and by the time we are middle aged we have
dozens tucked away in our organs.
Some do die in the course of time. Perhaps their true secon-
dary host is a rabbit or a mouse instead of a human. The short life
span of these other hosts might mean that the life span of the
cysticercus is also quite short, not 40 years! When they die, the
white blood cells do clean them up and we can see them in our
white blood cells at this time. It can take several weeks for the
cysticercus to be completely gone by this natural method. During
this time, we become ill! Numerous bacteria and viruses spring
up, as if from nowhere, in our organs.
Don't be surprised if you are testing yourself during illness to
find a tapeworm or two in your white blood cells! It is well
worth searching for at such a time. Help your body dispatch the
tapeworm stages all together with your zapper. A frequency
generator is bound to miss some. Some cysticercus varieties
consist of many heads, and each head has even more heads inside
it! These might have different resonant frequencies. Only killing
them together has the desired effect. Remember bacteria and
viruses are released by killing tapeworms, so always follow
with a second zapping in 20 minutes, and a third zapping 20
minutes after that. Only then can your tapeworm-related illness
If you do nothing, your body will be kept busy killing bacte-
ria and viruses as the tape cysticercus wears down and eventu-
ally dies. You may not wish to identify all of them (but at least
search for Adenovirus, the common cold) and just note where
you are being attacked: your nose, throat, ears, lungs, bronchi.
Internal organs are attacked too. It seldom takes more than three
weeks, though, for your body to clean up a tape stage even
without any help from a zapper. The attendant illness will be
gone by then, too.
Watching these events in your body gives you insight into the
very powerful forces at work, called immunity or body de-

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