Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

cannot return unless you reinfect yourself. Stop eating meats,
except fish and seafood. All meats are a source of fluke parasite
stages unless canned or very well cooked. Pets and family
members are undoubtedly carriers of the same flukes, although
they do not show the same symptoms. Give away your house
pets. Don't kiss your loved ones on the mouth. Make sure your
sex partner has also been freed of fluke parasites.
The most important question you must be able to answer is
why did these parasites enter your brain and spinal cord? When
the brain contains solvents, it allows flukes to multiply there. The
solvents, xylene and toluene are common brain solvents always
seen in MS cases. Evidently these solvents accumulate first in the
motor and sensory regions of the brain, inviting the parasites to
these locations.
Xylene and toluene are industrial solvents used in paint and
thinners. It is also a pollutant of certain carbonated beverages (I
found it in 7-Up,TM ginger ale and others that I tested). Stop
drinking them.
All MS cases I have seen also harbor Shigella bacteria in the
brain and spinal cord. These come from dairy products. They are
manure bacteria. Be absolutely meticulous about sterilizing dairy
products. Even one tsp. unsterilized milk added to scrambled
eggs could reinfect you. Not even heavy whipping cream or
butter is safe without boiling. Kill bacteria every day with a
zapper. Shigellas produce chemicals that are toxic to the brain
and spinal cord. Eliminating Shigellas brings immediate im-
All large parasites like flukes have their own entourage of
bacteria and viruses. Perhaps it is these that initiate the brain's
reaction, which is inflammation and scar tissue formation in the
outer covering of brain cells and nerve fibers. Perhaps it is the
fluke stages themselves. Your brain is trying desperately to heal
these lesions, only to be assailed by a fresh batch of solvent and
Shigellas and another generation of parasites and pathogens.

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