Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

in his brain and a dozen bacteria and viruses. He also had mer-
cury and thallium in his immune system which came from tooth
fillings. However, he had all his metal fillings replaced two years
earlier! He thought there was no mercury left in his mouth! Actu-
ally, he had little bits (called tattoos) left somewhere. And they were
giving him the classical symptoms: numbness of hands and feet
and gradual destruction of his nervous system. His peripheral
neuropathy was due to thallium poisoning. The dentist couldn't find
tattoos, and he was left in his predicament. (This was before I
found mercury and thallium sources in many personal products.)

Duncan Wood, a middle age father of 5 young children, could still
slowly shuffle along when he arrived. He could not raise his arms
to eat. He had uncontrolled inappropriate laughter every minute.
He was diagnosed with MS two years earlier and told he had a
“bad” gene. The fact that one child was beginning to show similar
symptoms strengthened their belief in the gene theory. Ten days
later his inappropriate laughter stopped; he could get his right hand
to his face, he walked twice as fast and had very little tremor
remaining. Strong chelating treatments obtained at a Mexican
clinic had drawn much of the mercury and thallium out of his brain.
He killed the flukes and Shigella bacteria electronically and
stopped consuming unboiled milk. The brain solvents, xylene and
toluene were removed quickly, too, as well as asbestos. His fast
improvement showed them how important it was to remove the
source of these pollutants in his home.
Two days later he regressed considerably which made him feel
quite depressed, since his chelating treatments had not stopped.
Was there still an unknown factor? It was a return of Shigella
bacteria! He had inadvertently eaten a non-sterile dairy food: milk
added to soup when it was already done cooking! This was a
valuable lesson. Nothing else had returned. He was away from the
asbestos and xylene from the workshop at home. He zapped the
bacteria again and applied greater vigilance to eating only
sterilized dairy foods. He recouped his losses in one day.
Then they scheduled their dental work, which had already been
done once two years ago! He had leftover mercury and thallium.
Now, selecting a dentist with experience in finding tattoos and
cleaning cavitations made much more sense to him than it had
before. He also planned to do a kidney and liver cleanse after re-

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