Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

A more insidious seizure trigger is a perfectly natural sub-
stance, malvin. Malvin is the natural dye found in grapes,
strawberries, plums and blueberries. Stop eating strawberry and
grape jam or juice. Chickens and the eggs they lay, have lots of
malvin too, stop eating chicken and eggs.
Here are foods relatively free of malvin: artichokes, aspara-
gus, almonds, barley, beans of all kinds, green beans, broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, celery, nectarines, citrus, dates,
mango, pears, kiwi, pineapple, Granny Smith apples.^14

To Summarize

To stop your seizures on a dime, and not have another one:

  1. Avoid malvin in food. Eat nothing colored red or blue,
    chicken, eggs, MSG, BHA & BHT. Boil all dairy products
    or don't eat them.

  2. Avoid ergot in food. Eat no whole grain products; take
    niacinamide 500 mg three times a day to help the liver
    detoxify tiny bits in other foods.

  3. Kill Ascaris, Bacteroides and Coxsackie virus and stay on
    a maintenance program of killing them. Avoid reinfection.
    It would be wise to have only outdoor pets.

  4. Replace dental metal with metal-free plastic (See Dental

  5. Clean up the home environment and body products of toxic

  6. Keep your fingers sanitary: spray them with 10% grain al-
    cohol or vodka after bathroom use.
    You can often tell by how you feel whether you are near to
    having a seizure. But some people get no warning. Don't take

(^14) Taken from A Guide to the Identification and Treatment of Bio-
catalyst and Biochemical Intolerances, 1988 by J. A. Krohn, Los Ala-
mos Medical Center, 3917 West Road Suite 136, Los Alamos, NM

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