Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Weight Problems......................................................

Overweight is not the same problem as obesity. In fact, I do
not have the answer to either problem, only a part of the answer.
In obese women, the ovaries, pancreas and thyroid are all
involved. Perhaps the adrenals, the brain satiety center, and the
liver are also involved. Maybe it's as simple as gold accumula-
tion in all these places. Perhaps it is bacteria in all these places.
When you weigh close to 300 pounds obviously some organ isn't
working right. Try several things, but not a starvation diet.
The cause is not eating too much. Try removing all gold: gold
teeth, gold jewelry and gold rings. Replace them with non metal
varieties. After removing the gold, pull the remaining gold out of
your tissues with thioctic acid (2 or 3 a day for several months).
Make sure kidneys are able to excrete the gold instead of making
crystals by doing a kidney cleanse. Gold accumulates in the
pancreas, the brain (possibly in a control center here) and the
ovaries (causes some infertility here). Also try clearing the body
of all bacteria and parasites by regularly using a zapper. Use the
Bowel Program (page 546 ) to evict the last of the Shigellas. Be
very careful to avoid nonsterile dairy products. Try cleansing
your liver by doing liver cleanses. Get 3,000 stones out.
Make sure you are getting enough nutritious food; make carrot
and vegetable juice; use no commercial beverages. Avoid moldy
food—don't take risks. If all these measures bring your weight
down to the level of mere overweight give yourself good grades.
Overweight is a low energy condition. Your food is being
turned into fat instead of energy. The decision not to make energy
is being made in the liver mainly, but perhaps other organs as
Try cleaning the liver (page 552 ) until no more stones come
out: get at least 2,000 stones. Notice that as the liver gets

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