stop, you lose ground. It doesn't solve the problem of an ineffi-
cient body metabolism.
Raising thyroid levels helps but this can be dangerous.
Raising thyroid levels naturally, by removing toxins is a very
effective method—provided it was low to begin with. Over-
weight people often have a low body temperature, showing that
the thyroid is involved: it is under producing. But giving the
body extra thyroid doesn't solve the thyroid's problem. It
only temporarily solves the rest of the body's problem. The
thyroid will have viruses and heavy metals in it. The metal in
your mouth drains downward to the stomach passing very close
to the thyroid. Perhaps its iodine uptake is inhibited. The chlorine
in water and bromine in bread may inhibit iodine uptake by the
thyroid, too. After all, they are all halogens. Stop eating bleached
bread and filter out the chlorine in your water. If this raises your
body temperature you could expect better weight control.
The traditional herb, Fucus, was used to treat thyroid prob-
lems (and overweight) in days when herbs ruled medicine.
Herbalists made a point of discouraging use of plain iodine. Fu-
cus, they said, was much more effective. See Recipes.
If all these measures don't work for you, at least you have
improved your health trying.
There are some advantages of being overweight. Overweight
people seem to weather illness better. They laugh more. But one
look in the mirror or at the scales ruins it. Put away the long
mirror and scales. Don't ruin your whole life over it. Make a
reasonable effort and then let go. Enjoy your stay on this planet.
Underweight can be just as difficult as overweight to cor-
rect. Once the stomach has been trained to say “full” or “full
enough,” even after a few mouthfuls, it is difficult to heal. Sal-
monellas in the stomach wall are often seen. Giardia and other