Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

it necessary. Together with the new pollutants, solvents, and
heavy metals, parasites will overtake us unless we change.
Don't go off lithium and other medicines until your doctor
agrees you are ready, about a half year. After this, make sure you
still keep it handy. Although you may be free of manic depression
in a day, reinfecting yourself weeks later will attack your brain
like a hurricane; it has not yet healed, the routes are open. Be
patient; healing will happen as it did for these happy persons.

Lena Constantine, age 39, had a history of migraine, TMJ, heavy clot-
ting with periods and numerous pains but it shouldn't have made
her try suicide 1½ years ago. She was put on ProzacTM afterward.
She was parasitized by intestinal flukes (in the intestine), dog
whipworm, Strongyloides and human liver flukes. She was started
on a parasite program and kidney cleanse. This made her feel so
good she took herself off ProzacTM and landed in the hospital for
reasons she couldn't remember. After 42 days spent there she got
out, wiser than before. She set to work again, leaving no detail
undone, because she could remember how good it felt to be free
of depression (not drugged out of it). Three months later she still
had Strongyloides (she had a cat) but she did her first liver
cleanse anyway. She got over 500 stones out. Her depression was
gone. She substituted 4 ornithine and 2 ginseng capsules daily
(more if tension was not relieved) for Prozac and cured her

Mona Zabala, 33, was extremely depressed over her job. She was full
of mercury, arsenic, PCBs, chromate from eye liner, wood alcohol
from drinking colas and she had Ascaris, pancreatic flukes, Tri-
chinellas and Strongyloides. She thought she was a hopeless
case. But in less than three months, when only half her clean-up
chores were done, she was already saying positive things about
her job.

Acey O'Hara, a young graduate student, was very careful to avoid junk
food, caffeine, fragrance, and body products because he had
learned the hard way that he didn't tolerate them. When “crying”
depression hit him he was not only surprised but angry that his
good health habits “hadn't paid off.” He was buying his drinking
water; it came in clear plastic containers. He had cesium in his

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